Full of protein and fiber...but, no animal by-products (do bees count?)
If you haven't tried Arbonnes products yet, I suggest you give them a try. The protein powders are not only vegan, but one of the best tasting I've had. I use, and love, many products from Arbonne. One thing that got me interested in tryin Arbonne was their mission and ingredient policy, read the policy below and I bet you'll be hooked too. http://www.arbonne.com/products/index.asp
You don't have to stick to just shakes with protein powders, try this easy recipe below for a delicious bar. (To make gluten free be sure to purchase certified gluten-free rolled oats)
Ingredients: 1 tea. olive oil 1 cup peanut butter 1/2 cup honey 1 1/2 scoops Arbonne Essentials protein powder - vanilla 1 scoop Arbonne fiber boost 1/3 cup craisins 1/2 cup chopped nuts (I used pecans and walnuts) 1 cup oats
Heat peanut butter, honey and olive oil over low heat until well mixed. Stir in remaining ingredients and smooth into baking dish. Store in refrigerator.
I'm guessing everyone who goes to the grocery store gets suckered into those rotisserie chickens by the checkouts every once in a while...well yeah, thats what happend to me yesterday. If you've put two and two together you may know where I'm going with this, yupp leftover chicken put to good use!
INGREDIENTS: fresh shrimp (peeled and devained) chicken olive oil naan bread barbecue sauce 1/2 small red onion- sliced thin shredded pizza cheese paprika 2 tea. fresh thyme salt pepper
Drizzle cleaned shrimp with olive oil, sprinkle with salt, pepper, paprika and 1/2 of the fresh thyme. Cook the shrimp in skillet on medium heat until slightly pink, don't over cook since it will continue to cook in the oven.
Shred or chop up some of that leftover rottisserie chicken (I sprinkle with BBQ seasoning and heated in a frying pan)
Spread ample layer of your favorite BBQ sauce on naan bread, then sprinkle with pizza cheese
Top with chicken, shrimp, onions and fresh thyme. Sprinkle on a little bit more cheese.
Bake at 350° for about 12-15 minutes, or until browned and bubbly.
So, if you haven't noticed I LOVE BALSAMIC VINEGAR. Here is my homemade creamy dressing recipe, mmmmm.
3 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
3 Tbsp. olive oil 1/2 clove of garlic minced about 3 oz. plain greek yogurt a few large leaves of fresh basil 1 tea. fresh oregano 1 tea. chopped green onion 1 tea. lemon juice salt and cracked pepper to taste
Chop your basil and oregano. put all ingredients in a food processor or blender and whip it up.
Since it's grillin' season, everything gets grilled, including PIZZA! This recipe is simple, delicious and light.
Ingredients: olive oil 1 garlic glove naan bread or flat pitas fresh mozzarella ball sun dried tomatoes or fresh tomato slices fresh basil leaves balsamic vinegar pinch of sugar
First things first, get that grill going....
Second, reduce the balsamic. Bring a few tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and a pinch of sugar to a light boil in a small saucepan. Allow to simmer for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. This will reduce and thicken the balsamic by about half. Set aside to cool.
While the coals are heating up cut the garlic clove in half and rub the clove all over the surface of the naan. This will give your pizza a subtle garlic flavor from the garlic oils rubbed in. Lightly brush a light layer of olive oil on next.
Time to assemble!
Place sliced mozzarella, tomatoes and basil leaves evenly around the naan. Drizzle with the balsamic reduction until your pizza is beautiful.
It's grillin' time.
Grill over hot coals until it's cooked to your desire.
A few tips:
I drizzle with extra balsamic when it's done, because it's yummy
Remember, all of the toppings have a high water content, so try to blot dry the mozz and tomatoes before placing so you don't have a 'leaky pizza' (although it will still taste delicious)
Rotate and move around on the grill to ensure even cooking
My number one tip when making anything, use good quality fresh ingredients! yeah, I yelled that.